faithful + effective

Tag: Prayer

  • How to run Advent and Christmas prayer spaces

    How to run Advent and Christmas prayer spaces

    How to run Advent and Christmas prayer spaces By The Rev’d Susan Crothers-Robertson. Prayer spaces give children and young people the mindful opportunity to explore life questions, spirituality and faith in a safe, creative and interactive way. At St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School in Brisbane, prayer spaces have been a highlight of the students’ faith…

  • Chewing the cud of scripture: lectio divina

    Chewing the cud of scripture: lectio divina

    By The Rev’d Penny Jones: Don’t let the Latin put you off! Lectio divina just means ‘divine reading’ – it means above all a slow, reflective reading of scripture and can be compared to allowing the words of scripture to gently dissolve in our hearts and minds. It is the spiritual version of ‘slow food’.…

  • The art of finding God in all things

    The art of finding God in all things

    By The Rev’d Jane Trigg: Ignatius of Loyola, long before he became a saint and the founder of the Jesuits (the Society of Jesus), was a 16th century Spanish soldier, courtier, and lover of women. Like many of us today, his life was a journey that was unexpected and surprising, and along the way he…

  • The clergy call to prayer and compassion

    The clergy call to prayer and compassion

    By The Ven. Keith Dean-Jones: A priest is entrusted with four main responsibilities – to gather the people of God, to proclaim the Good News of salvation, to offer the Eucharist, and to send people into the world empowered as ministers of God’s healing and reconciliation. The four responsibilities are founded on Christ’s authority to…

  • Praying for our parish clergy and lay leaders

    Praying for our parish clergy and lay leaders

    By The Ven. Keith Dean-Jones: When I was ordained a priest 43 years ago, I believed that the clergy were the shop keepers who ‘sold’ a religious product and that the people were the customers who ‘purchased’ the necessities for the spiritual life. The price of the transaction was the weekly freewill offering envelope, and…