faithful + effective

Tag: Digital ministry

  • What comes after online church?

    What comes after online church?

    By Evan Englezos: This year most churches around the country shifted very quickly from familiar face-to-face services to an all-online experience. In doing so, churches have grown in capability, learning about and implementing additional technologies. In fact, this challenging season has been a monumental opportunity to make much needed changes to the way churches think…

  • Encouraging our parish clergy through participation

    Encouraging our parish clergy through participation

    By The Rev’d Sue Grimmett: I sometimes find myself doubting the reality in which we find ourselves, preaching to a video camera and praying together where the only gathering is faces on a computer screen. Certainly, Easter with empty pews was both poignant and surreal for everyone, but perhaps especially for those who lead congregations…

  • Supporting our parishes via Parish Direct

    Supporting our parishes via Parish Direct

    By The Rev’d Charlie Lacey: At various times and in various places the Church has survived plague, famine, war, persecution and social, political and economic turmoil. Indeed, the Church often flourishes in, or emerges stronger from, conditions of adversity and hardship. The Church is the visible sign of God’s kingdom on earth. Nevertheless, in times…

  • BIBLE360: Exploring the Gospels via webinar

    BIBLE360: Exploring the Gospels via webinar

    By Fiona Hammond, Lay Ministry Education Projects Officer An Impressionist artist and a Cubist artist walk into a bar…no wait that’s the wrong intro! What if you asked four artists, an Impressionist, a Cubist, a Realist and an Expressionist to paint your portrait? Would you expect that each would produce exactly the same image of…

  • ‘Caremongering’ in our communities

    ‘Caremongering’ in our communities

    By Jen Basham, Justice Unit Coordinator Churches around Australia recently suspended public worship and gatherings, and other civic and business life is operating remotely or shutting doors to mitigate the risk of coronavirus spreading. A key to preventing the spread is ‘social distancing’. The word itself is a striking oxymoron, much like telling someone to…