faithful + effective

Tag: Church health

  • How to include and support unwell people and those living with a disability in your churches

    How to include and support unwell people and those living with a disability in your churches

    ACSQ contributor (anonymous): I spent much of my younger years unwell on a Disability Support Pension due to a number of interrelated autoimmune conditions that rendered me fatigued, in chronic pain and dealing with unpleasant ‘plumbing’ issues. The worst symptom was the persistent ‘mind-fog’ – I was so out of it that I didn’t realise…

  • Leading small churches (without settling for less)

    Leading small churches (without settling for less)

    By The Rev’d Mark Vincent, Parish of East Brisbane. Most churches throughout history have been small. Really small. But that never stopped them from being effective. Whether healthy or sick, successful or failing, effective or anaemic, most churches have been, are, and will be small congregations. Too many priests, pastors, ministers and churches labour under…