faithful + effective

Tag: Celebrating diversity

  • Being Together: a new inclusion and respect dialogue resource for Anglican parishes

    Being Together: a new inclusion and respect dialogue resource for Anglican parishes

    ‘Being Together: a new inclusion and respect dialogue resource for Anglican parishes’ by Dr Stephen Harrison Many years ago I attended an Anglican Church conference for young people that demonstrated to me some of the best and worst of Church welcome and inclusion. I have sought to bring these learnings into my various Anglican Church…

  • Does it matter who we are?

    Does it matter who we are?

    Does it matter who we are? One of my favourite poems is ‘Strong in the Rain’ by Japanese poet Kenji Miyazawa (1896-1933). The translation of the poem I like describes the life of a man who follows a distinctive path of simplicity and service. It includes these lines: “If there is a sick child in…

  • Tips when talking to people with Asperger’s Syndrome

    Tips when talking to people with Asperger’s Syndrome

    Tips when talking to people with Asperger’s Syndrome By Tom Hammer Upon returning home from a large barbeque gathering one evening, my mum asked, “Hey, Tom! Who was at the barbeque?” “Sam,” I replied, telling her the name of the person who turned the sausages and steaks at the grill. It’s easy for people like…

  • How to include and support unwell people and those living with a disability in your churches

    How to include and support unwell people and those living with a disability in your churches

    ACSQ contributor (anonymous): I spent much of my younger years unwell on a Disability Support Pension due to a number of interrelated autoimmune conditions that rendered me fatigued, in chronic pain and dealing with unpleasant ‘plumbing’ issues. The worst symptom was the persistent ‘mind-fog’ – I was so out of it that I didn’t realise…

  • Clergy aged 65+ wellbeing and contribution survey

    Clergy aged 65+ wellbeing and contribution survey

    Earlier this year a survey was sent to 305 clergy over the age of 65 in our Diocese seeking to understand issues relating to their wellbeing. The survey was developed through the Clergy Wellbeing Development Group under the auspices of the Parishes and other Mission Agencies Commission (PMC) and in consultation with clergy in this…