faithful + effective

Liturgical Assistants

Liturgical Assistants

Thank you to all those who are serving God and their local church community as a Liturgical Assistant.

Appointment and duties

Liturgical Assistants (LAs) are called to serve the Church of God as they work together with their priest. They lead public worship, some preach and teach the word of God, and others assist at the Eucharist, share in pastoral and evangelistic work, and encourage others to participate in God’s mission to the world.


LAs are licensed by the Archbishop. To complete the LA licence nomination process, or to renew an expiring or lapsed LA license, please contact the Bishops’ Office for your region:

Northern and Southern Regions
Contact Joanne Rose on [email protected] or 07 3835 2213, or Ann Armitage on [email protected] or 07 3835 2269

Western Region
Contact Helen Briffa on [email protected] or 07 4614 7050


LA Handbook

A guide for Liturgical Assistants at the Eucharist.


Pray Daily

A cycle of suggested daily prayer points for each day of the month.


Church Linen

A guide for laundering church linen.


Library books

A list of LA-related books available from Roscoe Library.



Parish operational information and resources, including policies, canons, handbooks, procedures and forms are located on the ARC (ACSQ intranet). Liturgical Assistants can access the ARC through the ‘Parish Operations Team’ managed by their parish office. See more about accessing the ARC

Online resources

Videos from the following sessions of the LA Training Day are available to view online:

  • Session 1 — Introduction (why have Liturgical Assistants?,  the LA role and its limits, the LA Handbook)
  • Session 2 — Theology of Anglican Worship (Prayer Book, structure of Eucharist)
  • Session 3 — Reading Scripture and Preparing and Leading Intercessions
Session 1

Session 2

Session 3