Alpha is a great tool for church leaders to facilitate conversations around the Christian faith with parishioners and the broader community. Typically run over 11 weeks, each Alpha session looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha provides an opportunity for people to ask questions and share their point of view, in an open, friendly environment. Millions of people have tried Alpha all around the world, and it has been translated into 112 different languages. Alpha is run in cafes, churches, universities, homes — you name it.
Run Alpha in person
Run Alpha online
Free training
The Alpha Australia Queensland Team offers free training for church leaders, helping them work through best practices to make the most of the Alpha experience.
The Rev’d Charlie Lacey from Springfield Anglican Church talks about the benefits of running Alpha online.
Promotional resources
Sign up to download invitational and promotional resources.
Order free outdoor banners to promote Alpha at your church.
Order up to 20 Bibles free of charge for Alpha participants.
Alpha essentials
While no two Alphas look the same, experience has shown that there are some essential ingredients to the Alpha recipe.
Pray weekly with the Alpha team. Ask helpers to pray consistently for group members. Recruit others to pray.
At least eight weeks
Run Alpha for a minimum of eight weeks.
Use the Alpha Film Series to unpack the basics of the Christian faith in an engaging way.
Provide opportunities for conversations in small groups, allowing people to freely share their thoughts about faith and Jesus in a relaxed and natural way.
Weekend /
day away
Offer a chance to get away from the busyness of everyday life so people can build friendships, have space to reflect on the journey so far, and receive prayer ministry.
Prayer ministry
Serve Alpha participants through prayer, particularly during the weekend away. These opportunities provide space for people to encounter God’s love in a personal way.
Alpha additions
Consider deepening the Alpha recipe by incorporating additional elements such as these (as suggested by Ger Jones, Senior Pastor at Vintage Church in Los Angeles).
Launch party
Glam up the first session by creating a festive atmosphere with music, food and opportunities for guests to take and share photos on social media.
Deepen community
Train team members to connect with participants between sessions e.g. invitation to one-on-one coffee, or texting/emailing a “We missed you last week” message.
Live Q&A
Offer a live question and answer forum where participants can ask a senior leader or panel of leaders any question on any topic.
Consider hosting Alpha in a relaxed venue such as as a cafe or pub.
Reframe weekend /
day away
Reframe the weekend / day away as a holiday experience or retreat with activities e.g. sunrise reflection, hike, journaling and workshops. Market the event well with a professional-looking brochure or video.
Post Alpha menu
Offer opportunities and next steps for people to continue engaging after Alpha finishes. e.g. join a church, join a small group, stay connected with a friend from Alpha, or come to Alpha again.