Open space dialogue
What might ‘church’ look like beyond…?
Saturday 6 November 2021
9 am to 2 pm
St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School (next to next to Corinda Railway Station)
11 Ruthven Street, Corinda
Join with others from across the Anglican Church Southern Queensland in an Open Space discussion exploring what ‘church’ might look like beyond the parish, the buildings, the walls around us, or anything else. Share your own ideas, help others build on their ideas, and together explore how and where the Holy Spirit is calling.
The world feels confusing right now, it has for some time. But all that has accelerated in the last two years. Covid-19 has tipped many things upside down. We’ve done church online, in lockdowns, in gardens, in homes. We have continued to serve or are serving in new ways. We keep praying, but what are we praying for? What does being Anglican mean? What might ‘church’ look like beyond…?
This event is organised and facilitated by The Rev’d Bronwyn Pagram, The Rev’d Gillian Moses and the Parishes and Other Mission Agencies Commission.
Morning tea and lunch will be provided. This is a free event. Please register for catering purposes.
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