faithful + effective

Northern Clergy Conference 2019

Northern Region Clergy Conference


Speaking in the Marketplace

12–15 August 2019
Noosa RACV Resort, 94 Noosa Drive, Noosa Heads

“In a world of increasing polarity, where it is ever-more challenging to find ways of speaking from any ‘middle place’, we need to take any opportunity we can to explore how we are called to be the church and proclaim the gospel in this new space. Rather than retreating to the edges and building ever higher walls around our positions, how do we engage in real and respectful conversation in ‘the marketplace’? Our hope is that by bringing together such high-calibre thinkers and speakers for our clergy conference this year, we will provide a space to think through what it might mean to speak anew into the marketplace and equip us for this task in new ways.” Bishop Jeremy Greaves


  • The Right Rev’d Dr Jo Wells, Bishop of Dorking, Diocese of Guildford
  • The Rev’d Dr Samuel Wells, Vicar of St Martin-in-the-Fields in central London, and Visiting Professor of Christian Ethics at King’s College London
  • Mr Scott Stephens, Editor of the ABC’s Religion and Ethics website, and specialist commentator on religion and ethics for ABC radio and television


Resources from the Conference

Transcripts The 2019 Regional Clergy Conference centred around a series of conversations between the Rev’d Dr Sam Wells and Mr Scott Stephens. Over five sessions, Sam and Scott explored the pattern of the eucharistic liturgy, modelling “good conversation” and sharing stories. The conversations were “repeated” for Northern and Southern Region conferences, and as they were unscripted were different each time. The transcripts from the Northern Region Conference (the second time Sam and Scott had sat down together) are available to download below.

  • Session 1: Gathering
  • Session 2: Hearing
  • Session 3: Responding
  • Session 4: Sharing
  • Session 5: Being Sent
  • Session 6: Final Plenary Session

View all transcripts.

Bible studies
The Right Revd Dr Jo Bailey Wells delivered a series of Bible studies on the book of Ruth at both the Northern and Southern Regional conferences.

View Bible study notes.
View Bible study slides.

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