faithful + effective

Faith for the future

Faith for the Future


What does the future of Christianity look like for the emerging generation?

Wednesday 23 October 2019
Gateway Baptist Church, Mackenzie Campus
1052 Mount Gravatt Capalaba Road, MacKenzie

Barna Research Group, World Vision and Alpha Australia are joining together to release and unpack the largest ever global study of Millennials and their attitudes toward Christianity. With specific data on young Australians and their faith, these events will feature expert presentations, panels with local pastors and practical insights that will help guide your leadership and outreach.

Speakers include:

  • David Kinnaman — author, speaker, researcher and President of Barna
  • Mark Sayers — author, cultural commentator, Co-Host of ‘This Cultural Moment’ podcast, Pastor of Red Church, Melbourne
  • Melinda Dwight — National Director of Alpha Australia

This will be a morning event, followed by a networking lunch.

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