faithful + effective

Clergy Retreat October 2019

Clergy Retreat 2019

Sacrament, silence and story: delight in being found by the God we continue to seek

Retreat Leader: The Very Reverend Susanna Pain
14–18 October 2019
Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, 267 Wellington Street, Ormiston


Cost: $690 (includes four nights’ accommodation in own room with ensuite, and all meals). 

About the retreat

Ministry is tough sometimes and we lose sight of God. This retreat will be a time of rest, refreshment and renewal, through an exploration of sacrament, silence and story:

  • All of life is a sacrament, yet there is particular power in what the church names as sacraments.
  • Silence too is powerful, as Meister Eckhart reflects, “There is a huge silence inside each of us that beckons us into itself, and the recovery of our own silence can begin to teach us the language of heaven. There is nothing so much like God in all the universe as silence.”
  • Stories shape us and others. They are a way of understanding and drawing close.

This will be a silent retreat. There will be opportunities for people to meet with the retreat leader individually, as well as opportunities for daily group reflection and optional Christian meditation.

About the retreat leader

Susanna is Dean of St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral, Sale, in the Diocese of Gippsland, where she leads a community of faith in prayer, worship and action. She was made deacon in Goulburn in 1989, and priest in Adelaide in 1992, and has served in the Diocese of Canberra/Goulburn, Adelaide, Sydney, Bathurst and Gippsland. Susanna has spent almost 30 years as a parish priest in rural and suburban Australia, as well as industrial chaplain, university chaplain and hospital chaplain. She enjoys leading retreats, quiet days, meditation, and Creative InterPlay Workshops. She also values walking with others in Spiritual Direction and Supervision. Susanna delights in being married to The Reverend Nikolai Blaskow, and loves living in Sale and walking around the lakes and in the wetlands.


For enquiries about clergy retreats, please contact us.

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