faithful + effective

Clergy Retreat July 2021

Clergy Retreat 2021

‘Treasure and Heart’

5–9 July 2021
Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, 267 Wellington Street, Ormiston

Retreat leader: Bishop Doug Stevens, Diocese of Brisbane



Using Luke 2:19 and 12:34 as a starting point, hunt for your treasure/heart in your following of Jesus. 

Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:19

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Luke 12:34

The retreat will be silent but with conversation times at lunch and dinner for those who feel more comfortable being able to chat occasionally.

The program will include:

  • a focus on listening to scripture and praying each day through morning, midday, evening and late night prayer.
  • one eucharist at the conclusion of the retreat on Friday morning.
  • a theme-introduction address on Monday evening after dinner, then two addresses each day at morning and evening prayer.


  • The critical need to identify your treasure/heart.
  • Your treasure/heart in the scriptures.


  • Your treasure/heart in theology.
  • Your treasure/heart in the Church.


  • Your treasure/heart in ministry.
  • Your treasure/heart is your tradition.

Arrival and departure
The retreat will commence on Monday afternoon with arrival from 2 pm and pre-dinner drinks at 5.30 pm. The retreat will conclude on Friday morning after breakfast.

$690 (includes four nights’ accommodation in own room with ensuite, and all meals).

Please contact Belinda Macarthur: email [email protected] or phone (07) 3835 2284.

About the retreat leader
Doug Stevens retired a year ago from full-time ministry. Prior to that he served as a parish priest in the Dioceses of Newcastle, Grafton and Brisbane and Bishop of Riverina. He also served as Diocesan education officer in Grafton, co-chair of the national Anglican/Roman Catholic theological dialogue and taught theology at St John’s College Morpeth and St Francis College Brisbane. He has always had a keen interest in the breadth and rich diversity of God’s Church and so has been involved ecumenically wherever he has served.

Bishop Doug Stevens

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